My August Break - Day 01

Thursday, August 1, 2013

the august break, 2013 - day 01 the august break, 2013 - day 01
Even though I haven't really ever done well with photo-a-day projects, Susannah Conway's August Break appealed to me for the two following reasons: the prompts—only introduced this year after three previous years—are optional, and then there's a blogging component. A lot of people are doing it mainly on Instagram, but I've been trying to figure out ways to post more here. And I think a photo (or two) everyday for a month, with or without words, is the perfect way for me to ease back into blogging.

So, here's to photography. Just for the beauty of it.

xoxo | annika


  1. simple, ordinary but lovely captures.

    hope you have a sweet day.

  2. Those are gorgeous shots. I especially like the second one. I love when photos emphasize the beauty of an everyday object or place. :)

  3. Beautiful :) (Found you via the August Break link-up!)

  4. Very nice! I love how simple you kept them :)


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